Dr. Fischerのオフィスからのメール・適当な日本語訳(原文↓

『こんにちは、Dr. Fischerの看護士のBettyeです。私がDr. Fischerの医院に来てから、まだ比較的日は浅いのですが、ここにいる間の経験から、FTMの胸の手術はDr.の最も好きな手術の1つだと言えます。FTMコミュニティーとの仕事は、Advanced Center(For Plastic Surgery、Dr. Fischerの医院の名前)にとって、とてもやり甲斐のある経験です。

Dr. Fischerは乳房切除手術に2種類の術式のどちらかを用います。どちらの術式になるかは、乳房の組織の量よって異なります。Bカップ以下の場合、periareolar手術が適格でしょう。これは乳輪に沿っての切開で、殆ど傷痕の残らない方法です。もう1つの術式は一番人気のdouble incisionです。この場合Dr. Fischerは大胸筋の縁に沿って切開し、治癒後の傷痕は大胸筋の影に見えるようになります。Dr.は胸の輪郭を綺麗に作り、乳首は移植されます。乳首は性的感覚を失いますが、保護的感覚(圧力・温度)は保持します。どちらの術式も約4時間かかり、手術後は約1時間リカバリー(回復室)で過ごすことになります。

手術後2〜3週間はコンプレッションベストを着用し、ドレーンは侵出液の量によって、 7〜10日間装着することになります。できれば、ドレーンが抜けるまではクリニックの近くに滞在することをお勧めします。又は、手術前の健康診断を行った医師に抜いてもらうことも可能ですが、その場合、手術の前にその医師と相談してください。



手術の総費用は$6,800で、総てのコストを含みます。総費用の10%は手術のアポイントメントを取る日に、残りは手術の3週間前が締め切りです。また、行きつけの医師からの許可が必要になります。病歴、そして健康診断及びCBC(complete blood count、血液検査)の結果が必要です。テストステロン治療の有無は、手術とは関係ありません。カウンセラーからのジェンダーに関する診断書も必要です。

ほかに質問がありましたら、迷わず (410) 308-4700までお電話ください。現在、待ち時間は2〜3ヶ月となっています。予約はすべて電話でできます。前金10%は、予約当日にクレジットカードで支払い、又は予約前に郵送して下さい。残念ながら、ローンは組めません。




言い訳:敬語・謙譲語メチャメチャですけど。だってアメリカ英語なんて超カジュアルだし、自分はDr. Fischerの「身内」なわけでもないから、謙譲語使うのも何か変だし・・・いいのよ、内容が伝われば!

Original Response from Dr. Fischer's Office


My name is Bettye and I am Dr. Fischer's nurse. I am relatively new to Dr. Fischer's practice, but during the time that I have been here, I can say that the FTM chest surgery is one her favorite surgeries. It has been a very rewarding experience for everyone at the Advanced Center working with the FTM community.

Dr. Fischer uses one of two approaches regarding the mastectomy. It is dependent on how much breast tissue you have. If you are a B cup or smaller, you would be eligible for the periareolar approach. This means making the incision around the areola and it is virtually a scarless procedure. The other technique, which is the most popular, is the double incision. Dr. Fischer makes her incision following the border of the pectoralis muscle, and when it heals, the incision looks like a shadow under the pec. She gets beautiful contour in the chest and the nipples are replaced as grafts. They loose erotic sensation, but maintain protective sensation. Either surgery takes about 4 hours and you will be in recovery for about one hour.

You will wear a compression vest for about 2-3 weeks and have drains in for about 7-10 days, depending on how much drainage you have after surgery. We like for you to stay in the area until the drains are removed, if possible. Or you could have the doctor that does your pre-surgical clearance, or physical, remove the drains. You should arrange that with him/her prior to surgery, however.

If you decide to schedule surgery with us, I will send you a list of hotels in the area which charge about $79/night.

We also would like for you to have a doctor in your area, preferably a surgeon, who can follow you post-operatively, should the need arrise.

The total cost of the surgery is $6800.00 and that covers everything. 10% is paid on the day that you book your surgery and the balance is due 3 weeks prior to the surgery date. You will also need medical clearance from your family doctor. A history and physical and a blood test, called a CBC is required. It has no bearing on the surgery if you take testosterone or not. You will also need a letter from your therapist regarding the gender issue.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (410) 308-4700. We are currently booking about 2-3 months in advance. All scheduling can be done via phone. You can put the 10% on a credit card or mail it to us prior to scheduling. Unfortunately, we do not offer any financing.

If you are coming from out of town, we can arrange for you to have your consult with Dr. Fischer the afternoon prior to surgery. Then you only have to make one visit to our facility.

Looking forward to talking with you.




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